comprehensive psychiatric Evaluation
This is a special process, unique to our practice. We’ll invest as much time as needed to be sure we have a clear idea of what you’re experiencing.
The goal is to gather information from many different perspectives, to give us a comprehensive view of the landscape and as complete an understanding as possible of what you’re working with, so we can find the most impactful means of helping; a personalized set of recommendations.
We start out with the things that are fairly standard, such as understanding the problem. We also want to understand your lifestyle and other psycho-social factors. We want to understand your lived experience with deep empathy and attunement. Are there psychological burdens? Are there psychological conflicts that are unresolved? Are there psychic wounds from the past that continue to impact you?
In addition to that, we’ll get any appropriate blood tests, genetic tests, and electrical brain imaging to complete our understanding. Sometimes we even have information about specific medications that may be indicated. The reporting derived from the brain imaging will detail the likelihood of a benefit from various medications. The analysis of the brain scan will be compared to brains with similar EEG markers, giving us insight into what medications have and haven’t been beneficial. Aside from helping us understand various dimensions of the challenges you’re up against, we can also understand better if there are diagnoses that are appropriate to apply.
This gives us a deep understanding of what you’re up against, and what types of inventions and help we can recommend.
Lifestyle, supplements, psychotherapy, medications, neurofeedback, photobiomodulation, non-invasive neurostimulation can all be powerful means of meeting the challenges we uncover together.
Diagnoses are reached collaboratively. We’ll think about what fits your values and we’ll provide you with our expertise in terms of prognosis and what treatments are most likely to be successful.

“I didn’t know this kind of information was available. It’s just mind-blowing! We’ve been to many psychiatrists and they’re all the same, but this is “the future.” It’s like science fiction. Like you hope it could be. This really helps me understand him.” - F.B., Parent re: the usefulness of genetic and brain network analysis in his son’s evaluation.