For folks living on the spectrum, every day can be an experience of extreme challenge in so many ways. There are few treatments that are highly effective. I’ve been excited and surprised to see the benefits of IFS-based psychotherapy and neurofeedback for autism and neurodiversity broadly speaking.
The IFS model of therapy allows one to use their own unique way of sensing their experience to discover and care for parts of themselves that may be in distress or otherwise longing for support; exploration and resolution of inner tensions. Read more HERE.
Often it’s helpful to add small doses of ketamine for a series sessions if there are particularly sensitive experiences people want to process. Ketamine at low doses allows you to be fully present while also providing a blanket of emotional protection which may allow deeper exploration and healing.
Network-based neurofeedback can look at the parts of the brain involved in the diverse symptoms in autism and focus on regulating only the parts of the brain that are having the most difficulty connecting. In doing so, the whole network stabilizes and self-regulates.
Neurofeedback supports several neurologic functions: assisting with mental flexibility, catching non-verbal cues in conversations, increase sensory resilience (and enhance sensory integration).
Autism spectrum
Photo by Fethi Bouhaouchine via Unsplash